Email security is a big concern for businesses of all sizes. If your email is compromised, it can be a major threat to your company’s operations, finances, and reputation. Fortunately, there are a number of actionable IT solutions that you can take to keep your email secure.

1. Use a secure email service

If you are concerned about the security of your email account, you can use a secure email service. These email services encrypt all of your emails, making it difficult for anyone to read them without the proper authentication.

Secure email services are a great way to keep your emails private and secure.

2. Create a strong anti-spam policy

If you want to keep your email account safe from spam, you need to create a strong anti-spam policy. This means you should have a policy in place that requires all employees to use strong passwords and two-factor authentication. You should also require employees to only open emails from known senders.

In addition, you should install anti-spam software on your computer and email server. This software will help to keep your email account safe from spam and malware.

3. Regularly back up your email

If you want to be prepared for the worst–and good email security practices dictate you should be–you should regularly back up your email. This means backing up all of your emails to a secure location. If your email account is hacked, you will be able to restore all of your emails using the backup.

Backing up your email is a great way to protect your data in case of an emergency. Ransomware works by holding data, including email accounts hostage, and then requiring payment to get access again. Often, however, the criminals either end up deleting the data anyways or there is some kind of error in the transfer, and data is lost anyway. 

4. Use a secure email client

If you are concerned about the security of your email account, you can use a secure email client. A secure email client encrypts all of your emails, making it difficult for anyone to read them without the proper authentication. Microsoft Office 365 encryption is another good option for securing your email. 

Secure email clients are a great way to keep your emails private and secure.

5. Regularly update your software

If you want to keep your email account safe, you need to regularly update your software. This means updating your anti-spam software, email client, and operating system.

Regularly updating your software is a great way to protect your computer from malware and other online threats.

6. Use a virtual private network (VPN)

If you are working remotely, you can protect your email account by using a VPN. A VPN creates a secure connection between your computer and the internet. This prevents anyone from eavesdropping on your conversations or reading your emails.

VPNs are a great way to keep your email account safe when working remotely. You can also consider using a residential proxy, which is a residential IP that is leased or bought directly from Internet Service Providers (ISPs) for commercial use.

7. Use a strong password

Your first line of defense against email security threats is to use a strong password. This means your password should be at least 8 characters long and include a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols. You can also ensure your password is less able to be cracked by using a password randomizer. This will create a password that is nearly impossible to remember but will be much more secure.

When working remotely, having strong passwords is of the utmost importance because if your account is hacked, the hacker could have access to all of your company’s confidential information.

8. Use a password manager

A second way to keep your email secure is to use a password manager. A password manager can help you create and store strong passwords for all of your online accounts. This will make it much more difficult for a hacker to gain access to your email account. This is especially helpful if you require access to multiple email accounts and have to constantly switch between them.

9.Enable two-factor authentication

Another way to protect your email account is to enable two-factor authentication. This security measure requires you to input a unique code in addition to your password in order to log in to your account. This code is typically sent to your phone via text or generated by an app.

Two-factor authentication is a great way to protect your account from hackers, especially if your password is easy to guess.

10. Educate your employees

The best way to keep your email account safe is to educate your employees. You should have a policy in place that requires all employees to use strong passwords and two-factor authentication. Employees should also be educated on the dangers of spam and phishing scams.

Educating your employees is the best way to keep your email account safe and secure. This is because employee negligence represents the largest cybersecurity threat. Not properly training and educating your employees in cyber security practices and behavior puts your business at imminent risk. 


In summation, there are a number of things you can do to keep your email account safe and secure. These include enabling two-factor authentication, using a secure email service, creating a strong anti-spam policy, and regularly updating your software. Keeping your email secure while managing a remote team and business is the foundation of good cybersecurity.